The AI agent for image generation and editing

Chat to

Generate stock photos

Edit images with AI

Create AI Portraits

Create Product Photos

Create logos

Create T-shirt Design

Change background


Chat to use 30+ AI image generation and editing tools in one project

Limited Time Offer
40% Off All Portrait Plans

No code needed. Applicable to all users

User Stories

Over 3,000,000 images generated or edited on ChatDesigner

Chat to create similar design styles using image to image generation

Create similar vector art of a pot
AI image generator and editor for designers

“ChatDesigner frees me from my daily mundane work on pixel manipulation. I like that it combines so many features in one project and I no longer need to jump across platforms. Such a time saver!​”

-Richard H., Senior Designer

Chat to create stock photos and use AI to edit for personalized campaigns

Change the background to the airport
AI image generator and editor for marketers

“I use ChatDesigner to create similar images for my personalized campaigns and A/B testings. It has saved us tons of time and money on design, stock photos and photography."

- Emily L. Marketing Manager​

Chat to generate high quality stock photos with correct text

Be my valentine
Testimonial - Blogger Josh

“I’ve stopped paying my stock photo service. ChatDesigner’s image quality is so good I can’t tell it’s AI generated! The results align with my requirements. It even has the correct text!”

- Josh P., Blogger

Chat to create unique AI product photos in any background

Change background to a beautiful modern living room
AI image generator and editor for eCommerce

“I took a photo of my product, and in one prompt, ChatDesigner transformed it to a beautiful product photo in the scene I want.
I no longer need to spend lots of money on product photography. ”

- Yuan L., eCommerce Seller

Chat to create T-shirt design with AI and cut the pattern out from image

Segment the tiger and flower
AI image generator and editor for fashion designer

“ChatDesigner helps me create a T-shirt with the patterns that match exactly with what I want, and I can directly segment the pattern out for printing!​”

- Michelle C., Esty Seller

Chat to remove unwanted people or objects from images in seconds

Remove the man in jeans
AI image generator and editor for photographers

“ChatDesigner saved me lots of almost-wasted photos. I can directly type to remove all the unwanted elements in my photos.

- Michael F., Photographer

Chat to furnish empty rooms in various styles and edit with AI

Modern living room with similar edge
AI image generator and editor for real estate

“I sent ChatDesigner a photo of an empty room, and it returns with a furnished room! I can even change hard wood floor to carpet by simply typing it. It’s amazing!”

-- Naveen P., Realtor

Chat to edit AI art works without changing the layout of the original.

Make it rain
AI image generator and editor for AI artists

“I’m amazed by ChatDesigner’s image quality. It also doesn’t change the image layout when I need to edit/iterate the image I like. It’s so much easier to use than other tools.”

- JL, Artist

Chat to create logos with AI for startups and small businesses

Logo for SMB User Story
SMB testimonial icon

“ChatDesigner was a lifesaver for my business, transforming my basic idea into a professional logo. It was quick, easy, and perfectly captured our brand's spirit.”

- Carlos R., SMB Owner


ChatDesigner is an AI design agent that users can chat to fulfill their design needs. ChatDesigner leverages the large language model to triage 30+ AI image generation and editing features based on user’s input. Users can chat to generate and iterate to get the perfect image in one project.

ChatDesigner offers all registered users 10 free credits every month which can generate 10 jobs. You can subscribe to a higher plan for higher credit limits. 

ChatDesigner is very easy to use. You can start by text to image or upload your own image, then click the image you’d like to edit and continue typing how you’d like it to be edited. Here’s a tutorial to help you get an overview of the tool.

You can visit our Help Center page to get more tips and tutorials about ChatDesigner. You can also join ChatDesigner’s Discord community to get more support from the team directly.

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